How to Keep Rabbits Out of Garden

Dealing with rabbits in your garden can be a frustrating challenge for many gardeners. These adorable creatures may look harmless, but their appetite for plants can cause significant damage to your prized flowers, vegetables, and herbs. If you’re tired of rabbits munching on your garden and want to keep them at bay, this article will provide you with an overview of effective strategies to deter rabbits, tips on protecting your plants, and some additional considerations to ensure a rabbit-free garden.


Rabbits are herbivores that are naturally attracted to lush gardens and tender vegetation. To keep rabbits out of your garden, it’s important to create barriers, make your garden less appealing to them, and implement deterrent techniques that discourage their presence.

How to Keep Rabbits Out of Your Garden

Install Physical Barriers:

Fencing: Install a rabbit-proof fence around your garden. Use sturdy materials like chicken wire or hardware cloth, burying it a few inches into the ground to prevent rabbits from burrowing underneath.

Raised Beds: Consider using raised garden beds, as they are harder for rabbits to access. Ensure the beds have a solid bottom or use hardware cloth to prevent rabbits from squeezing through.

Choose Rabbit-Resistant Plants:

Research rabbit-resistant plants: Select plants that are less appealing to rabbits, such as marigolds, lavender, salvia, and daffodils. Rabbits tend to avoid plants with strong scents or fuzzy leaves.

Create a barrier with less appealing plants: Surround your garden or vulnerable plants with unappealing vegetation, like prickly shrubs or plants with thorns, to deter rabbits from entering.

Use Repellents:

Commercial repellents: Apply rabbit repellent sprays or granules, available at garden centers, following the instructions on the label. These products often contain ingredients that emit odors rabbits find unpleasant.

Homemade repellents: Create homemade repellents using natural ingredients like garlic, hot pepper, or vinegar. Spray or sprinkle these concoctions around your garden, reapplying after rain.

Modify the Garden Environment:

Remove hiding spots: Clear away brush piles, dense vegetation, or tall grass near your garden. Rabbits are more likely to frequent areas with ample hiding spots.

Minimize attractive features: Remove food sources, such as fallen fruits or vegetables, and avoid leaving pet food or birdseed in the garden, as they can attract rabbits.

Additional Considerations:

Scare tactics: Utilize scare devices like motion-activated sprinklers, wind chimes, or even rubber snakes to startle and deter rabbits.

Maintain a well-maintained garden: Regularly weed, prune, and clean your garden to reduce hiding places for rabbits.

Be vigilant: Keep an eye out for signs of rabbit activity, such as nibbled plants or droppings, and take immediate action to prevent further damage.


Keeping rabbits out of your garden requires a combination of tactics to create an environment that is unattractive and challenging for them to access. By installing physical barriers, choosing rabbit-resistant plants, using repellents, and modifying your garden’s environment, you can successfully protect your plants and discourage rabbits from wreaking havoc. Remember to stay consistent with your deterrent strategies and adapt them as needed. With patience and perseverance, you can enjoy a rabbit-free garden and ensure your hard work flourishes undisturbed.

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